
KKR Study Case: Custom Made Grand Reception Desk

Kingkonree (KKR) is one of leading solid surface manufacturers in China, specialize in custom solid surface products.

Today, we’d like to show a classical custom made reception desk. This case study showcases our journey in transforming a unique, oversized reception desk concept into reality for a valued client.

Project Overview

Design Drawing
KKR Custom Made Reception Desk
Video of Finished Custom Made Grand Reception Desk

A prestigious client approached us with a vision for a reception desk that was both ambitious and unique in its design. Their requirements and the challenges they presented were as follows:

  • Dimensions: The reception desk was not just any regular desk; it was envisioned to be a centerpiece, a statement of grandeur. The client wanted it to be exceptionally long and wide, measuring a staggering 9.13 meters in length and 1.68 meters in width. Such dimensions are not common in the industry, and crafting a desk of this size presented its own set of challenges.
  • Design & Structure: The design was audacious and avant-garde. With no support on all four sides, the desk was to stand out with its diamond and triangular shapes. The flat surface, despite its length, needed to remain undistorted over time, ensuring that the desk remained functional and not just an aesthetic piece. The absence of support meant that the desk’s structural integrity had to be impeccable.
  • Patterned Surface: The client’s vision was for the desk to be made of patterned boards. This meant that multiple boards would need to be bonded together seamlessly. Achieving this without any visible gaps or inconsistencies was a challenge, especially given the desk’s size.
  • Custom Color & Imitation: The client had a specific color in mind but only provided a reference image for us to work from. This necessitated our team to employ high-level color imitation skills. The challenge was not just to match the color but to understand the nuances of the pattern and replicate it over the large surface area of the desk.
  • Structural Challenges & Overhang: One of the standout features of the design was an overhanging section. This section would experience uneven force distribution due to its design. Crafting this without compromising on the desk’s balance and stability was a significant challenge. This unconventional shape and design required our team to employ advanced production techniques and invest a prolonged production cycle to ensure perfection.

Challenges and Solutions

1. Conceptual Design and Material Understanding:

Challenge: The client came to us with a design that was purely conceptual. It was evident that while they had a vision, they lacked a clear understanding of the material properties and the intricacies of constructing such a unique piece, especially concerning the overhanging section’s uneven force distribution.

Solution: We initiated a series of consultations with the client to bridge the gap between their vision and the practicalities of material and design. By educating them about the properties and potential of solid surface materials, we were able to refine the design to ensure both aesthetics and functionality.

2. Structural Integrity and Balance:

Challenge: The reception desk’s design included an ambitious overhanging section. This posed a risk of uneven force distribution, potentially compromising the desk’s stability. Furthermore, the interior of the desk was to incorporate a steel frame, which added another layer of complexity in ensuring weight-bearing capacity, balance, and overall sturdiness.

Solution: Our engineering team conducted a thorough analysis to determine the optimal placement and design of the steel frame. By using advanced simulation tools, we were able to predict force distribution and make necessary adjustments to the design. This ensured that the desk would not only look good but also stand firm and stable.

3. Crafting the Patterned Surface:

Challenge: The client’s vision of a patterned board surface meant that multiple boards had to be seamlessly bonded together. Given the desk’s expansive size, achieving this without any visible gaps or inconsistencies was a monumental task.

Solution: Leveraging our expertise in solid surface bonding techniques, we meticulously joined the patterned boards. Our team employed specialized tools and adhesives, ensuring a seamless finish that made the desk appear as a singular, cohesive piece.

4. Custom Color Imitation:

Challenge: The client provided only a reference image for the desired color, setting forth a challenge of not just color matching but also understanding and replicating the nuances of the pattern over the desk’s large surface.

Solution: Our design team undertook a series of color tests, experimenting with various shades and patterns to achieve a near-perfect match. By collaborating closely with the client and seeking regular feedback, we ensured that the final color and pattern resonated with their vision.

5. Collaboration and Client Alignment:

Challenge: The initial hesitancy from both sides, stemming from the project’s ambitious nature and the client’s lack of technical understanding, posed a potential roadblock.

Solution: We believe in the power of collaboration. Through continuous dialogue, we brought the client closer to our technical realities while also aligning ourselves with their vision. This mutual understanding and trust paved the way for a successful project outcome.

Demonstrated Capabilities

1. Custom Processing Ability:

Capability: Our team at KKR is adept at handling projects of varying complexities, and this reception desk was a testament to our custom processing capabilities.

Details: Crafting a 9.13-meter-long and 1.68-meter-wide reception desk is no ordinary feat. Beyond the sheer size, the requirement to bond such large dimensions seamlessly showcased our technical prowess. Our team meticulously planned each step, ensuring that the bonding process resulted in a cohesive and unified appearance, devoid of any visible seams or inconsistencies.

2. Color Imitation Skills:

Capability: At KKR, we pride ourselves on our ability to replicate and match colors with precision, even when working from rudimentary references.

Details: The client provided a basic image as a color reference. Our design team undertook a series of iterations, experimenting with various shades and patterns. Through a combination of expertise and advanced tools, we achieved a near-perfect color match, ensuring the desk resonated with the client’s envisioned aesthetic.

3. One-Stop Shopping Experience:

Capability: Our holistic approach means clients can rely on us for end-to-end solutions, even when external collaborations are required.

Details: For the cabinet section of this project, we coordinated with external factories. Our team took the lead in discussions about feasibility, ensuring that the final design was not only aesthetically pleasing but also executable. This seamless coordination ensured that the client had a hassle-free experience, with KKR managing all aspects of the project.

4. Team Collaboration:

Capability: Our projects often involve multiple departments working in tandem, showcasing our team’s collaborative spirit and commitment to excellence.

Details: This reception desk project saw contributions from senior management, the CAD department, the production team, and client communication specialists. Each phase involved brainstorming, feedback, and iterations, ensuring that the final product was a culmination of collective expertise and aligned with the client’s vision.

5. Advanced Solid Surface Processing Techniques:

Capability: Our commitment to innovation means we’re always pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with solid surface materials.

Details: This project was particularly challenging due to its unconventional design and size. Yet, our team rose to the occasion, employing advanced techniques and tools. Despite never having crafted such a large and complex reception desk before, we broke through technical boundaries, further solidifying our reputation as industry leaders.

Broad Applications for Custom Made Reception Desk

For those establishments and institutions that aim to make a grand statement, our custom-made reception desk serves as an epitome of luxury, craftsmanship, and innovation. If you’re in the following sectors, our creation might be just what you need:

  • Real Estate Promotional Buildings: Make a lasting first impression on potential investors and clients with a reception desk that speaks volumes about your commitment to quality and luxury.
  • Investment Halls: Welcome potential investors to a space that exudes professionalism, grandeur, and attention to detail.
  • Hotel Entrances: Set the tone for a luxurious stay by greeting guests with a reception desk that’s a masterpiece in itself.
  • Concert Halls & Music Venues: Reflect the grandeur of the performances within by starting with an entrance that’s a showstopper.
  • Airports: Elevate the travel experience by introducing a touch of luxury right from the check-in counter.
  • High-End Beauty Centers & Spas: Complement the premium services offered with a reception area that resonates with elegance.
  • Premium Private Medical Institutions: Offer patients and visitors a sense of comfort and luxury from the moment they step in.
  • Government VIP Reception or Negotiation Rooms: Reflect the importance and prestige of the discussions within by starting with a grand reception.

If you envision a custom grand reception desk for these applications or any other setting that demands exclusivity and luxury, we encourage you to reach out to us. Let’s collaborate to transform your vision into a tangible masterpiece!


Our journey with this custom-made reception desk is a testament to KKR’s unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and client satisfaction. From understanding the client’s vision to overcoming technical challenges and delivering a product that stands as a symbol of luxury and craftsmanship, we’ve showcased our industry-leading capabilities.

For establishments that aim to stand out and make a statement, KKR is your trusted partner in bringing ambitious visions to life. We invite you to experience the KKR difference and elevate your space with our expertise.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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Hey There, I’m Cherry!

I’m from KKR. We are a professional Solid Surface manufacturer in China. We provide various solid surface products for bathrooms, kitchens, hotels, exhibitions and 2000+ projects.

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